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  • Feng, D., Tan, Z., Bisht, G., Xu, D., Pinel, S. L. P., Amaral, J., Fassoni-Andrade, A., and Bonnet, M.-P., Modeling suspended sediment dynamics in an Amazonian floodplain using a 2-D sediment model, AGU Fall Meeting, 11-15, 2023, San Francisco, CA. (link)

  • Hao, D., Bisht, G., and Xu, D., Historical Rain-on-Snow Flood Extremes in the US: Retrospective and Prospetive Analyses, AGU Fall Meeting, 11-15, 2023, San Francisco, CA. (link)

  • Xu, D., Bisht, G., Engwirda, D., Feng, D., and Tan, Z. The Impacts of Mesh Resolution on Simulation of Flooding using a 2D Shallow Water Equation Model: Hurricane Harvey Case Study, AGU Fall Meeting, 11-15, 2023, San Francisco, CA. (link)

  • Bisht, G., Adams, M., Brown, J., Cowie, A., Engwirda, D., Feng, D., Hao, D., Johnson, Knepley, M., Kumar, M., Raman, A., Tan, Z., and Xu, D., 2023, Capturing the Dynamics of Compound Flooding in E3SM, SciDAC PI Meeting, 12-14 September, Rockville, MD. (link)

  • Bisht, G., Adams, M., Brown, J., Cowie, A., Engwirda, D., Feng, D., Hao, D., Johnson, Knepley, M., Kumar, M., Raman, A., Tan, Z., and Xu, D., 2023, Capturing the Dynamics of Compound Flooding: Project Overview, SciDAC PI Meeting, 12-14 September, Rockville, MD. (link)

  • Bisht, G., Xu, D., Johnson, J., Brown, J., Feng, D., Knepley, M., and Engwirda, D., Initial Development of the Coupled E3SM-RDycore Model: A Case Study of Houston Harvey Flooding, SciDAC PI Meeting, 12-14 September, Rockville, MD. (link)

  • Knepley, M., Johnson, J., Brown, J., Bisht, G., and Adams, M., Model Development Worflow and Exascale Computing Strategy for RDycore, SciDAC PI Meeting, 12-14 September, Rockville, MD. (link)

  • Bisht, G., Adams, M., Brown, J., Cowie, A., Engwirda, D., Feng, D., Hao, D., Johnson, Knepley, M., Kumar, M., Raman, A., Tan, Z., and Xu, D., 2023, Development of River Dynamical Core (RDycore) for E3SM to Capture Dynamics of Compound Flooding, E3SM PI Meeting, 26-28 June, Boulder, CO. (link)

  • Bisht, G., Adams, M., Brown, J., Cowie, A., Engwirda, D., Feng, D., Hao, D., Johnson, Knepley, M., Kumar, M., Raman, A., Tan, Z., and Xu, D., 2023, Capturing the Dynamics of Compound Flooding in E3SM, E3SM All-Hands Webinar, 8 June. (link)